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“The smallest feline is a masterpiece.” – Leonardo da Vinci


Frequently ask Questions

Why does my cat misbehave?


Part of what makes cats really interesting is their unique domestication process. Because cats have only been loosely domesticated for a relatively short period of time, they have retained almost all of the wild characteristics seen in their ancestors. What we as humans see as misbehaving, cats see as a normal and natural behaviour. These behaviours turn into misbehaviours when cats aren’t given an appropriate outlet or opportunity to exercise their natural behaviour. 


Why doesn’t my cat listen to me?


Cats are known for their independent nature and as such get a reputation for being more ambivalent about their human companions. Often people expect cats to behave like dogs but cats have a more solitary nature, creating unique responses and characteristics. Cats will treat humans (and other animals) like cats, which can lead to some misunderstandings between both. Once you learn how your cat is communicating with you and the best way to communicate with your cat, you’ll notice you both listen to each other!


 I thought cats couldn’t be trained?


Cats are highly trainable, they just need the right motivation! Whether it is trick training or training out an undesirable behaviour, success depends on motivation, timing, patience, and learning how to communicate with your cat in a way they can understand. I can help you by coming up with a comprehensive training plan and walking you through the training process.


What kind of behaviours do you work with?


I work on all kinds of behaviour modification, from inappropriate urination, scratching, aggression, excessive vocalizations, and more! These behaviours can take time, patience, and consistency to work through, however, your relationship with your cat will thank you! 

What kind of training methods do you use?


I use positive reinforcement training to work through behaviours with you. With the use of positive associations, we can alter the way your cat is seeing a ‘negative’ stimulus, whether that be the vacuum or another cat. Clicker training is also an excellent way to get behavioural results, with an added bonus of being lots of fun for both you and your cat

Why is my cat meowing at me?


Cats have learned that they get lots of attention when they meow at their people, so they adapted their meows to communicate certain needs. Cat meows are unique to them individually, so one cat’s meow to their person won’t mean the same thing as someone else’s cat to them! 


Are there any behaviours that can’t be worked on?


Unfortunately there may be situations where a behaviour can’t be resolved. This can be due to a variety of reasons including underlying health conditions and external circumstances, however the majority of behaviours can be greatly improved and resolved entirely. 




Waterdown, Hamilton, Burlington

Tel:  905-630-2518


By Appointment 

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